The dessert of tradition on Easter in the Findlay family was pineapple upside-down cake. It's also another one of Mr. Findlay-Lampkin's favorite desserts. During our courting stage, I decided to make it for him, only to find out I had no more than crushed pineapple in my cupboard. I decided to try it, and discovered I like it better than the pineapple rings. I also will add a little coconut, and sometimes pecans, to jazz it up a little bit. Watch your baking time - this cake can take as long as 40 minutes to bake.

I set my pans in the oven while it preheats to melt the butter.

Dark brown sugar is great for the topping. Mix the butter, brown sugar, and water (or substitute pineapple juice, if you're so inclined).

Spread out the butter/sugar mixture, and garnish with maraschino cherries (make sure the round side is down in the pan). I like to add a little coconut to the pan.

Use a fork to evenly set the pineapple in the pan.

Spoon the batter on top of the pineapple mixture CAREFULLY.

I spread the batter from the center to the sides of the pan.

The pans are ready for the oven.

The baked cakes, still in their pans.

Loosen the cake from the sides of the pan with a thin metal spatula or a knife.

Now it's time to flip. Place the serving plate upside down over the top of the cake pan.

With one hand on top and one on the bottom, flip the cake pan and plate over.

The cake pan should easily lift off of the plate, and the cake should come right out.

The finished pineapple upside down cakes! The best part about this cake is you eat it warm, so it's instant cake gratification.